Holistic Health with Simpli Rooted

I’m so excited to share this amazing small business with you today! Jamie with Simpli Rooted just happens to be a good friend and one of the most talented women I know! She helps build custom oil blends for anything you need AND she does in person and distance foot-zoning! Let’s dive into what foot zoning is and what makes Simpli Rooted oils so special!

Let’s chat about foot zoning first! Did you know that our feet play a huge role in our health?! They are literally the foundation of wellness! Foot zoning is an ancient practice that has huge benefits and focuses on the feet as our map to overall wellness. Here are some components and benefits of foot zoning:

Foot Zoning as a Holistic Map: Foot zoning is based on the belief that different areas of the feet correspond to specific organs, systems, and regions of the body. By applying pressure to these zones, practitioners aim to stimulate energy flow, release blockages, and promote balance within the body. It's a holistic approach that addresses physical, emotional, and energetic well-being.

Energetic Alignment and Release: Each foot zone is thought to contain vital energy points. During a foot zoning session, the practitioner applies gentle pressure to these points, promoting energy alignment and the release of tension or congestion. This energetic realignment is believed to enhance the body's natural healing abilities.

Reflexology and Meridian Pathways: Foot zoning shares similarities with reflexology, focusing on reflex points on the feet that correspond to specific areas of the body. Additionally, the practice aligns with the concept of meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, which emphasizes the flow of vital energy through specific pathways in the body.

One of my favorite additions to foot zoning and supporting what my body needs is the use of my Simpli Rooted Oils! These take the benefits of foot zoning and holistic health to the next level. I love Simpli Rooted oils for so many reasons including….

Pure and Therapeutic-Grade Formulas: Simpli Rooted Oils stand out for her commitment to organic purity and therapeutic-grade quality. As I have incorporated my oils into my health practice, I can trust that I am using plant-based essences with no additives or synthetic ingredients – just the pure essence of nature.

Customizable Blends for Enhanced Benefits: Simpli Rooted offers a range of essential oil blends designed for specific purposes and can custom make anything to support what you are currently experiencing. I LOVE Simpli Rooted Blue Oil for my back pain and I even got a custom blend for my thyroid!

Commitment to Sustainable Practices: Simpli Rooted's commitment to sustainability aligns with my values for conscious living. Knowing that the oils she uses and the blends she creates are sourced ethically and sustainably is exactly the kind of business I love to support!

With the help of Mother Earth, she gives us the medicine to heal ourselves.


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